Welstik Resources Private Limited, incorporated under the Companies Act 2013 and started its journey from the year 2023 as a Direct Selling Entity. The company is following ethical business practices and offers a variety of products with an attractive marketing plan. Till date, the company is growing rapidly and striving to contribute a lot to the society by providing employment opportunities to many of its associated members.
The company is offering a wide variety of products ranging from health care products, daily essentials, food supplements, beauty care, hair care, FMCG, oral range and other agro related products. The products are manufactured in a pure and hygienic manner by using scientific formulations, green ingredients and modern manufacturing process.
In addition to fulfilling corporate responsibility, the company ensures that it continuously strives to operate in ways that will result in contribution to social goals by engaging in or supporting business practices voluntarily or ethically.
The company believes in spreading the vision related to health, wealth, happiness and at the same time focuses on making the life of everyone who comes and becomes a part of our journey equally prosperous without any discrimination. And considering this as her duty, she tries to move forward.